Tuesday, April 15, 2008

End of the World? Can we stop it?

Over the past few years, global warming has become a heated topic. There was Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth", supposedly packed with lies; the massive Live Earth event, which ended with all of the venues being heavily littered at the end of it; and now it seems every single disaster happening around the world is the result of global warming.

The question is, is this whole Go Green thing just a trend? I mean, haven't we known for a long time about Co2 pollution?... Are just starting to panic and realise that maybe it's too late to 'save the Earth' so we're all rushing to try and do something now? And, more importantly, can we really repent ourselves?

Personally, I try and be eco-conscious, but let's face it. I doubt me turning off my lights, boiling a full kettle of water is what's going to save the world. And there are people who just don't feel it's relevant to them: I would know, I live with a few of them.

I guess I just want to look into this Global Warming 'thing'. It's a big topic, and I probably don't understand a lot of the reasons why we think the Earth's not going to be such a nice place to live in in ten years. But it can't hurt. Who knows, maybe the world isn't doomed just yet.



poeelama said...

Hi Hk.c

Im sure what you have talked about here is very interesting as I believe that there are many changes to our enviroment due to Global Warming.

There are also lots of people around me who do not care about it. For example, these young guys who are in the habit of racing their cars with big mufflers every night in a street nearby.

Furthermore, I am trying to think of an organisation called KYOTO, (correct me if that's not the right name) that works to solve this problem "Global Warming." But the question is, why do other big countries of the world not supporting it like the United States? Is it politics or what?

You know what? Im a bit scared if I hear that word Global Warming, as there is nowhere for me to hide, if N.Z is going to be sunk deep into the sea in another three to four decades.(ha ha ha)

Anyway, good luck for your research and tell us more about it.

See you later!

haitian said...

yes im with you yea we need to care for the planet. Goverments have to put plans in place-look at china they are trying to get rid of the air pollution before the games start. But we cant just leave it to the big guys. Looking after our planet should be something we value and we should find ways to make it better everyday. We need more people like you-waste land keep us informed.

haitian said...

Hay its Carl here can you please comment on my blog.

brens said...

very interesting information, goodluc with the research, woud lve to read more.
Keep up with the good work.

Anonymous said...

I think what poeelama is refering to is the Kyoto Protocol, which basically states that countries should try to lower their carbon emissions to 1990 levels to prevent climate change. NZ is actually trying to do this now with the Emissions Trading Act which is currently very prominent in the media. The problem is, are people willing to add these additional costs to their living expenses? That will determine behaviour, and ultimately, if the prevention of global warming, will happen.