Tuesday, April 15, 2008

End of the World? Can we stop it?

Over the past few years, global warming has become a heated topic. There was Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth", supposedly packed with lies; the massive Live Earth event, which ended with all of the venues being heavily littered at the end of it; and now it seems every single disaster happening around the world is the result of global warming.

The question is, is this whole Go Green thing just a trend? I mean, haven't we known for a long time about Co2 pollution?... Are just starting to panic and realise that maybe it's too late to 'save the Earth' so we're all rushing to try and do something now? And, more importantly, can we really repent ourselves?

Personally, I try and be eco-conscious, but let's face it. I doubt me turning off my lights, boiling a full kettle of water is what's going to save the world. And there are people who just don't feel it's relevant to them: I would know, I live with a few of them.

I guess I just want to look into this Global Warming 'thing'. It's a big topic, and I probably don't understand a lot of the reasons why we think the Earth's not going to be such a nice place to live in in ten years. But it can't hurt. Who knows, maybe the world isn't doomed just yet.
